TNT Minor Atom AE., News (TNT Tornados Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 16, 2015 | Webmaster | 1304 views
TNT Minor Atom AE.
Congratulations to the Minor Atom AE team who were finalists at the "Edge Again Cup" tourney in Whitby on Thanksgiving weekend.

Game one was against the home squad, the Whitby Wildcats. Our boys came away with a 4 to 3 victory.
Game two was against the Cumberland Grads who turned out to be quite the challenge. It was a hard fought battle with our guys coming up short with a 7 to 3 loss.
After some regrouping by our top notch coaching staff, game three was against the Richmond Hill Stars. Ummm yeah....8 to 0 for TNT, 'nuff said there.
Game four was against the Tigers from Aurora, a tough team to beat but TNT prevailed with a 5 to 4 victory.
That was it for the Round Robin. TNT finished second which put them in the Semi-Final against Whitby, the first team they faced in the RR.  TNT came on top again with a well earned 5 to 3 win.
On to the final against the only team they lost to in the RR, the Cumberland Grads.  Our team fought hard but ended up coming short.

Doesn't matter, more importantly the team showed and continues to show loads of character. Most likely coach Farquhar didn't have much of voice left after that last game...which some would consider a blessing I'm sure. :)

Congratulations boys!!! Go TNT Go.