Valid from: Aug 15th to Oct 31st 2016
All proceeds to support TNT Minor Hockey in New Tecumseth.
$35.00 per Standard Mouthguard
$45.00 per Proform Mouthguard
Colors: Blue, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Black, Green
Proform: Red/Yellow/Blue Tri-color available
Proform: Hot Pink available
All services have been donated by the participating dental offices and by
South Simcoe Dental Laboratory
All proceeds to support TNT Hockey in New Tecumseth
Cash or Cheque payable to TNT Hockey Only
Tickets available only at participating dental offices.
*Doctors accepting new patients
Alliston: Dr. Cornaby\ Dr. A. Templeman\ *Dr. Lee\ *Dr. Kirsh\ Dr. Korolnek\ Dr. Kula\ Dr. W. Lo
*Dr. Parekh\ Dr. Shayan\*Dr.Vozna\ *Dr. Wong\ *Alliston Dental Hygiene Clinic K. Kestle RDH
*Alliston Village Dental-*Dr.J.Kim/*Dr. K.Lam/*Alliston Smiles Family Dentistry
Beeton: Dr. Lindsey\ Dr. Ian Lo\ Dr. A. Templeman\ Dr. R. Templeman
Tottenham: *Dr. Cho/*Dr.Teo/*Tottenham Village Dentistry-*Dr.Laurie Suraski
Cookstown: Dr. Weleff