TNT "TRY HOCKEY FOR FREE DAY" A HUGE SUCCESS!!, News (TNT Tornados Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 25, 2017 | Webmaster | 1178 views
On January 14 TNT held their first ever Try Hockey for Free Day.
It was a MASSIVE success.

Over 25 kids came out to participate. They enjoyed an hour and a half of free ice time and instruction by some TNT coaches and players.
To top it off about 10 kids were outfitted with FREE hockey equipment to take home courtesy of SPENSERSKIDS.CA including helmets and Graff hockey bags. Scotiabank donated loot bags and the kids were provided refreshments courtesy of TNT. The families were overwhelmed with the generosity.

The TNT Tornados would like to thank all the kids that came out to try hockey, many for the first time. Also a HUGE thank you to the players of Bantam AE and all the volunteers that made this happen.

The biggest thank you goes to Blair Catherwood who spearheaded the event.

Click here to see the pictures.

Stay tuned for the next time this event is held.