Mite and Tyke/Initiation Program, News (TNT Tornados Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 05, 2018 | Webmaster | 830 views
Mite and Tyke/Initiation Program
This past weekend marked the end to the House League season.


With the help of our excellent coaches and on ice helpers we are happy to gain another 50+ new members of the TNT family. Our player’s development from first week to last is truly outstanding and we look forward to them playing hockey for many years to come.


Tyke / Initiation Program:

Our coaches, helpers and players did an excellent job this season navigating the changes made to the program implemented by Hockey Canada. With smiles on their faces our players ended the season with a developed sense confidence and many new skills.

TNT Initiation program has always been a progressive, learn-to-play teaching curriculum. Adding in the new changes we are confident it enables participants to become contributing members of a team effort, develop self-confidence, and experience a sense of personal achievement.

The main goal is to make the first impression of hockey a good one! When players get started on a positive note, they automatically enjoy the game and usually go on to have fun playing hockey for many years.

Congratulations to all our players, coaches and parents!