TNT Minor Development (MD) Update., News (TNT Tornados Minor Hockey Association)

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Aug 16, 2018 | Webmaster | 936 views
TNT Minor Development (MD) Update.
Please see an important update on TNT's MD teams for the upcoming season.

MD TRYOUTS UPDATE – August 15, 2018




-        We will be combining Minor and Major Bantam MD tryouts due to registration numbers

-         Cost is $40 for the tryouts – registration will be available online until August 24

-        only players that live within TNT Boundaries are eligible to attend MD tryouts

-        MD programming has replaced AE programming at Minor Bantam and older in the YSMHL; there is NO body checking in this league


August 25: 1:30-3:20 pm @ NTRC 2

August 26: 12:00 – 1:50 pm @@ NTRC 2


Players are to check in/sign in at the TNT Office before each tryout.

Click HERE to register




-        Cost is $40 for the tryouts – registration will be available online until August 24

-        only players that live within TNT Boundaries are eligible to attend MD tryouts

-        MD programming has replaced AE programming at Minor Bantam and older in the YSMHL; there is NO body checking in this league


August 25: 3:30-5:20 pm @ NTRC 2

August 26: 2:00-3:50 pm @ NTRC 2


Players are to check in/sign in at the TNT Office before each tryout

Click HERE to register


*** This program is currently at very low registration numbers.  Please watch the website on Wednesday, August 22 for confirmation of tryouts.  If the program is cancelled, interested players will be permitted to attend the Midget (2002 & 2001) tryouts which will follow in September***



Please contact the TNT Office if you have any questions: 705-434-9301 or [email protected]