Mar 16, 2020 | Webmaster | 1210 views
Please note, that due to suspension of all
Hockey Canada sanctioned activities, effective immediately the 2019-20 season
is over. There will be no team gatherings, meetings, practices, games etc
until further notice.
The Town of New Techumseth is closing down all arenas and rec centres.
Please note the following:
TNT AGM - postponed until further notice
Spring tryouts - postponed until further notice
Equipment return - due to the closure of the NTRC; equipment return, Awards pick up etc is postponed until further notice. Once we have clearance to return to the TNT Offices/NTRC all teams will be notified.
As we get information from OMHA, OHF and Hockey Canada, we will forward for distribution.
The TNT board wishes that everyone stays safe and healthy during this unprecedented time.