Concussion Screening for TNT Players, News (TNT Tornados Minor Hockey Association)

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Dec 02, 2024 | TNT Ice Scheduler | 125 views
Concussion Screening for TNT Players
With concussions always at the forefront of our injury concern in this organization at all age levels, we would like to once again share a great opportunity to combat concussions by early recognition through initial baseline testing provided by South Simcoe Physiotherapy here in Alliston.

The initial baseline testing is quick and easy, and can be done individually or booked as a team. By having the baseline testing done, it allows trainers and the team at South Simcoe Physiotherapy the ability to compare, detect and treat concussions in a much quicker and effective manner.

There is a fee associated with the screening, however may be covered by most personal medical plans. Please contact them directly at info@southsimcoephysiotherapy or follow this link to book your appointment

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly. 

Chad Roberts
TNT Head Trainer
[email protected]