House League to Start Sep-17., News, Mite Division, 2016-2017 (TNT Tornados Minor Hockey Association)

This League is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Sep 06, 2016 | Webmaster | 6439 views
House League to Start Sep-17.
This is for the Tyke, Novice, Atom and Peewee divisions.
Mites start on Oct-8.

You will be receiving an email from the Convenor or Coach approximately one week prior to the start of the program with all of the information you need prior to your child’s first practice.


Please contact the following Divison Convenors with your inquiries:

Mites and Tykes HL - Mike McGoey:

Novice HL - Colin Iddison:

Atom HL - Bill Hopcraft:

Peewee HL - Gerard Murareanu:

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